About Us

Bios of Ridiculousness!

If you’re going to be listening to our opinions about things, we figured it might be nice to know a little about each of us!

Bronto Incognito

bronto 10Bronto Incognito is an aspiring author, avid book lover, and all over nerd who spent her honeymoon at Harry Potterland.  She lives with her two big, adorably dumb dogs and her nerdy husband who builds robots.  Her favorite authors include Rowling (of course), Neal Shusterman, Carrie Ryan, and Scot Westerfeld.

You can find her on Twitter Or on Instagram or Goodreads


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TheDinoWhisperer reads obsessively. She loves unusual books with major plot twists that no one saw coming. She can always be found  hiding in her room with a good book. Her favorite authors are J K Rowling, Rick Riordan, and Jane Austen. A love for mythology, fairytales gone wrong, and pizza keeps her going.

Tritops and Trilogies

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Hey y’all! I’m 25 years old… soon to be 26! I’m from Texas and I love rice krispie treats, sushi, and sun. I’ve loved reading since I was a little kid. I used to stay up late reading my books by the light of my night-light (which is probably why I have glasses now) until my mom would catch me and make me go to bed. When the Harry Potter books came out I’d stay up until midnight reading then wake up at 5am to start reading them again. I’ve had a love affair with books my whole life. That’s me!

Stegosaurus Wilde

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Stegosaurus Wilde is an avid reader and writer of young adult and middle grade fiction. Her favorite classic books for kids are The Secret Garden by Mary Hodgson Burnett, The Giver by Lois Lowry, and A Wrinkle in Time by Madeline L’Engle. She’s a total Harry Potter nerd and converted her hard-working teacher husband. She hopes to corrupt her four adorable but unruly children into the HP fandom as they get old enough. Along with her family, she shares her home with cats, rabbits, fish, tortoises, parrots, and a miniature potbellied pig.


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SuddenButInevitable is an enormous nerd. She can generally be found in her natural habitat, the local comic book shop, reading. She ventures on a fairly regular journey to the local library when stressed and will set up a nest of blankets near the biographies of Helen Hunt and Sean Penn. She is safe there. SuddenButInevitable is a solitary creature, but as you can see, will seek out interactions with her own kind.



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